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Train Yourself Like a Dog

Ever watch a dog learn new tricks? With a bit of patience, clear rewards, and consistency, it’s remarkable how quickly …

7 hormones of hormonostasis

The hormones— insulin , ghrelin , human growth hormone (HGH), cortisol , leptin , adrenaline , noradrenaline , and hor…

The Effects of Glycation on the Human Body

Glycation is a biochemical process where sugar molecules, like glucose, attach themselves to proteins, lipids, or nu…

Unlocking the Mysteries of Consciousness

... Insights from "Consciousness and the Brain" by Stanislas Dehaene.  Have you ever found yourself pondering…

Clinical Depression (MDD)

Clinical depression or major depressive disorder ( MDD ) refers to a broad spectrum of mental health problems character…

Me, My Procrastination and I

My procrastination and I have a long history through many years of studying. We all have procrastination and we all hav…

Reader's semantic and phonetic networks

Another one of the texts of the course: <Reading Speedster 📚>. Here I continue with the previous text: Word perc…

Abstractive knowledge

The effect of concreteness - In the article Semantic memory >> we primarily focused on the physical properties …

Semantic memory

How do we know that a lemon is usually yellow, sour and edible? That Paris is in France? Does a plant carry out photo…

Horizons of reading comprehension

In neuroscience, we have two approaches to study: bottom-up and top-down. We can deal with (in order) genetics, molecul…