About this blog

This blog is of a fun nature with the aim of showing how magical science is, ie. the wizardry of science! Or shortly wizzyofsci

I am writing here purely for fun, for myself and for those who would apply science in everyday life. I will try to write precisely and accurately. This means that there will be a finite number of posts per category, which will be improved. I'm not very talkative, so the posts will be short, hopefully clear, precise and concise.

For me, this all means that in less than 5 minutes you get the most valuable, personal information for you; but also which it was difficult for you to find yourself. The posts might introduce us with new to already existing life's complicated problems. Sometimes knowing what is wrong is more important than knowing what is correct.  

Please keep in mind that not everything what your read here is incorrect in the blog. It might be just the case that's outdated, so either I still haven't figured it out, or haven't had the opportunity to edit the post. And sometimes, I'm just not that competent for the topic I'm writing about. Nevertheless, even though I might not be an expert in some areas of science, I'm passionate.  

All in all, remember the blog's motto, "it all makes sense if you don't think about it!"  

My scientific background

M.Sc. Neuroscientist - Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences at Uni-Regensburg (Germany). Master's thesis: "Changes in functional coherence in pharmacologically treated patients with major depressive disorder."  

B.Sc., M.Sc. Biologist - at PMF at the Uni of Niš, Serbia. Master's thesis (nothing special): "Effect of some preservatives on the histological structure of the liver and kidneys in Wistar rats".

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