Reading Speedster

My experimental version of a speed reading course. Investigating neuroscience of reading firstly, and the connecting with all the popular speed reading training methods and exercises. Then, I try to create new imroved exercises that make more sense. As a bonus, I made an app on Google Play store where I integrate all the knowledge.

I part: Anatomy and physiology of reading

First of all, let's understand and dive deep into the whole theory of how we percive words, connect them into meaning. Then we'll try to understend how brain comprehends the text, i.e. how it integrates the message that the author tryed to convey. That should be enough to build our own, much more advanced and improved exercises than any other course of speed (or any other) reading. ☝👀

    1. Gotta read fast
    2. Word perception 
    3. Word boxer
    4. Reader's Semantic and Phonetic Networks
. Subvocalization and reading
    6. Horizons of reading comprehension
    7. Semantic memory
    8. Abstractive knowledge

II part: Planning and the Strategy of Exercising

Once we know how brain reads, we can reinvent new ways to improve our reading capabilities. Let's not practice reading yet. Instead, let's analyze all the existing ideas and exericeses that are currently popular. What I mean here is that we will see that each has it's own theory and goals. We can reverse-engeneer those ideas, and figure out what is wrong and what can be improved. After summarizing them, we'll fill in the gaps with our own exercises that fit more. Finally, we'll make plans and strategies on how one should practice reading skills.

    9. Practicing easy and speed reading 
    10. Numbers and not words

    11. Movement control for improved reading

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